Let Us Suppose These Things are Like the Truth: A Curious Account of the meliflutions

Meema Looma, leader of the Meliflutions (an elite group of the amphibious mathematicians who communed beneath the surface of Ocala, Florida’s pleasure garden, Silver Springs) was last seen on March 13, 1946. Her story unfolds across thirty-six 100”x60” banners installed around the construction of Lancaster’s Ewell Plaza. Each panel reveals a vignette from the strange tale of mathematics, possibility and truth, and eagle-eyed passers-by may spy clues to help solve the mystery of Meema’s strange disappearance. Commissioned by Benchmark Construction and 101NQ, this project will continue in an interactive exhibit at Modern Art in Spring 2022. Scroll through the photos below- perhaps you’ll see the truth, or, something like the truth.