Frank Fairfield Returns: April 25

FrankFairfield-RyanMastro-teaser Mark your calendars, friends. On Friday,  April 25 one of our favorite performers ever to take the Tiny Modern Stage returns to the Tiny Modern Stage: the one and only Frank Fairfield. Ever since our first conversation with him, when we so naively asked him "You're not from here, are you?" (and by here, we didn't mean just the LNC), we've been in love.

Since we've last seen Frank, he's been on to some great things. Reviewed in the NYT,  and released a new seven-inch vinyl single, available on Jack White's  Third Man Records. You can read more about him here.

Check back soon for more info on tickets, times and the cool poster we've designed (which is only a vision, but a beautiful one,  in our head right now....)